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What is CTE

Watch "Build Me with CTE"

Craven County Schools Division of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is committed to providing relevant and rigorous training that reflects the skillsets needed by the workforce in Craven and surrounding counties. By training our students with 21st-century skills needed by our local and regional industries, we produce a highly skilled and qualified workforce that will meet the needs of those industries and therefore improve the overall economic capacity of the area. Our programs are aligned and articulated with Craven Community College providing opportunities for students to earn stackable credentialing, certificates and post-secondary degrees faster.

Within each program area, students have the opportunity to earn industry-recognized credentials ensuring employers of potential employees’ skillsets. Credentials such as Microsoft Office Specialist, OSHA, Adobe Certified User, and MSSC provides an additional degree of excellence for our students.

CTE has a positive impact on students’ decisions to graduate. Students who have completed at least 4 CTE courses in high school have higher graduation rates compared with those who have not taken CTE courses. In 2018, North Carolina’s total graduation rate was 86.3%. However, the graduation rate for North Carolina students enrolled in CTE courses was 99.2%. Even better, Craven County students enrolled in CTE programs had an astounding graduation rate of 100%.
